
We offer one of the industry’s most comprehensive portfolios of oils and unsurpassed technical expertise that will meet the most demanding application and consumer needs. Our oil solutions are backed by Polson Foods’s position as the biggest oil exporters, which extends from the origination of crops to the transportation and transformation of seeds into oil ingredients that enrich our daily lives.

Polson Foods is the top oil exporting company in Pakistan. A wide range of everyday foods and beverages contain edible oils. The primary sources of edible oils are palm and soy. We also extract, process, and merchandise other oilseeds, including sunflower seeds, rapeseed, and canola. Many edible products are made from palm oil, one of the most widely consumed cooking oils.

As the leading cooking oil exporters, our strong merchandising capabilities, growing product portfolio, and reputation for reliability and integrity, our position as a leading grain and oilseed company reflects our commitment to traceable supply chains, responsible sourcing, and sustainable business practices worldwide. Pakistan oil exports to different countries of the world. We are also working to increase the traceability of our palm and soy operations as part of our commitment to good land use and non-conversion of native vegetation to soy and palm cultivation.

While we started in the oil processing industry, we have continued to evolve to meet the needs of today’s consumers. Polson Foods plays important part in the quality of cooking oil exports in pakistan. We have become one of the leading producers of corn, sunflower, peanut, and cottonseed oils, palm, palm kernel, and coconut oil programs to meet the needs of our customers.

We complement these oils’ inherent attributes and provide them with greater functionality to meet the challenges of our leading technologies. The company offers a wide range of highly pure oils compliant with major pharmaceutical regulations and standards.